Monday, October 12, 2015

My Collection Part 1 - Harvey

Last week, I posted three different blog entries about Harvey. I continue that posting today.

One of the best parts of living in Bowling Green Ohio is the fact that we have Bowling Green State University nearby. While the college kids can be reasonably obnoxious on move-in-day, graduation day, and just about every Thursday, Friday and Saturday night, they have also helped to foster a home-grown, local coffee shop and used book store called Grounds for Thought.

My copy of Harvey: Acting Edition
It's such a great place that I have picked up a lot of stuff there over the years, including more books than I can count, more coffee than I dare to measure, some shirts, coffee beans, and a wife. Yes, I met my wife there in 2006.

Part of their used book section includes a section for stage plays. And it was there that I found my copy of Harvey, the Acting Edition script by Mary Chase. It's a very cool find and a rarity in Bowling Green.

So now that I've shared another part of my collection, please allow me to gush just a little bit longer about Grounds for Thought.

There is a reason that the store was recently named the Best Coffee Shop in Ohio.

Check out the awesome feature the local PBS station put together about Grounds for Thought by clicking here.

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